Case studies short overview

Photo production company

The initial job requirement was to create a portfolio site to showcase photo albums the company makes. View photo albums.

After some time company decided to give its customers the ability to order products online.
So I got an offer to add the eCommerce module to the website. Because of business nature, customization had to be done to Woocommerce.

Due to the business rapid growth, new internal workflow had to be structured.
I got an offer to architect a new business model with automated documents and image files transfer flow. Quarterly files transfer size around 4TB.

Simple portfolio site development turned out to a six-month project.

Furniture retailer chain.

This project involved creating an intranet system for product delivery and assembly logistics.

Short specifications:

  • Monthly calendar with quick availability overview
  • Daily time slots overview
  • Options entry forms with price calculation
  • New entry notification to specific users

I am not listing here jobs that do not involve the project full life cycle.
Some jobs just involved project engineering and management or specific customization for better eCommerce experience.